Om uttrycket twenty-four seven:
Shortened from ”twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”
Alternative spellings: 24/7 24-7
1. (colloquial) Constantly, without interruption.
”They’re open twenty-four seven, you can go there any time you want.”
2. An abbreviation which stands for ”24 hours a day, 7 days a week”, including holidays and days otherwise that may alter limitations of work. In commerce and industry, it identifies a round-the-clock service, as might be offered by a supermarket, ATM, gas station, concierge service or manned data center.
Synonyms: all the time, constantly, continuously, non-stop, twenty-four hours a day.
Om ordet basically:
In a basic way; fundamentally or essentially. For the most part; chiefly.
Låter ungefär som ”bejsickli” och kan översättas till: i grunden, i grund och botten. Egentligen, enkelt sagt, helt enkelt, typ.
Exempel hur det (över-)används:
Word used when you don’t want to explain all the things someone said wrongly in excruciating detail and since you don’t care you just say basically.
Ex1: So, basically, you just go inside and basically just ask for the sale and that’s basically it.
Ex2: Person 1: How do I fill out this form? Just put my name on it and the hours worked? Person 2: Basically.
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