Family Modern

Jag hittade ett test: What’s your style?
Svaret jag fick var: Family Modern.

"Your home confidently embraces the many needs of busy, family life. It’s adaptable and easy to live with, reflecting your sense of style without having to banish the kids to the attic or basement. You’re sensitive to elements of design such as colour, light and architectural detail, mixing items that are relatively disposable with other pieces"…

"Your bedroom has that classic look that never goes out of style. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. In busy towns and cities, noise can often hamper a good night’s sleep. Soft furnishings really do absorb sound, and touch is such an important sense in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. Elegance and relative simplicity are keynotes in your bedroom, using the timeless approach of layering white on white to serene effect."

"You’re a maestro of minimalism using carefully chosen ingredients. At home, ’less-is-more’ simplicity appears effortlessly stylish. With so little on show, every single item comes under scrutiny, so it’s important that you give time and thought to your choice of china, glass and cutlery."… o s v.

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