Hitta Hugo!

hitta hugo
Har ni hittat Hugo? När jag var au-pair i USA 1996 så hjälptes barnen och jag åt att leta efter Waldo. För ett tag sedan såg jag boken Hitta Hugo bland monster och pirater (Where's Waldo? The Great Picture Hunt! 2006) här hemma i Sverige. Jag köpte den genast till mig och mina egna barn! De, i alla fall femåringen, tycker att den är jätterolig!

"Martin Handford f. 1956 i Hampstead, är skaparen av fenomenet Hitta Hugo! Som barn tecknade han stora folksamlingar med streckgubbar, idag finns hans böcker utgivna på 22 språk i 33 länder, sålda i mer än 43 miljoner exemplar."

"For the initial UK release of his book in 1987 he titled the character "Wally". The "Where's Wally" trademark was adapted for 28 countries: In addition to language translation, each franchise gave a new name and personality to the character. He became Charlie in France, Walter in Germany, Holger in Denmark and Willy in Norway. Waldo can also be in Japan. However the most successful of the franchises, even surpassing the original "Wally" brand, was the North American adaptation, "Where's Waldo?"

Waldo – Hugo
Woof – Voff
Wizard Whitebeard – Vitskägg
Odlaw – Bovén
Wenda – Helga

"Wenda, Waldo's girlfriend, who first appeared in Where's Waldo: The Ultimate Fun Book, was originally named Wilma. Her name was changed to Wenda in later books and printings
Odlaw, Waldo's archnemesis, looks very similar to Waldo, except that his shirt and hat are yellow-and-black striped, his glasses are tinted blue, and he has a mustache.
Odlaw, Waldo's archnemesis, was originally created for the animated TV series; his name is "Waldo" spelled backwards."

…"Due to the identical appearance to Wenda, many people think the two are the same character – simply renamed. However both Wilma and Wenda appeared side-by-side in The Magnificent Poster Book, where it was explained they were twins. The reason for the addition of Wenda and ultimate removal of Wilma is unknown."… (?)

Det hade varit roligt att ha alla böckerna.

2 kommentarer

  1. Vi har två av böckerna sedan flera år. Mycket uppskattade av barnen. Men tyvärr har vi inte hittat Hugo överallt. Fast det kanske är positivt vid närmare eftertanke.

  2. >Moster: Vi har inte heller hittat alla överallt ännu. Hugo är lättast att hitta. De andra är svårare. Vi letar ännu. Kul!

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